Wuthering Waves pull-tracking for PS5 users

Version 2 is online BABY!

How to do (with screenshots, click to expand/collapse) & Changelog:

Step 1: Open your Convene History

Step 2: Press the options button (3 bars) on your controller to open the browser's menu.

Step 3: Select "Page Information"

Step 4: Enter your player_id and record_id (NOT resources_id) into the form below

Step 5: You will get a URL you can use with Wuwatracker etc.

Note: as I have not specified which banner the URL is for, if you wanna look at the page yourself you will have to choose the banner on the dropdown before being able to view results.

Changelog (click to expand/collapse):

Updates: svr_id no longer needed, as the ID is apparently fixed per region (first digit of player_id, thanks for Firu from WuwaTracker.com